Common Specification for Information Packages


I. Aim of the Specification

This document is one of several related specifications which aim to provide a common set of usage descriptions of international standards for packaging digital information for archiving purposes. These specifications are based on common, international standards for transmitting, describing and preserving digital data. They also utilise the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), which has Information Packages as its foundation. Familiarity with the core functional entities of OAIS is a prerequisite for understanding the specifications.

The specifications are designed to help data creators, software developers, and digital archives to tackle the challenge of short-, medium- and long-term data management and reuse in a sustainable, authentic, cost-efficient, manageable and interoperable way. A visualisation of the current specification network can be seen here:

OAIS Entities

Figure I: Diagram showing E-ARK specification dependency hierarchy. Note that the image only shows a selection of the published CITS and isn’t an exhaustive list.

Overview of the E-ARK Specifications

Common Specification for Information Packages (E-ARK CSIP)

This document introduces the concept of a Common Specification for Information Packages (CSIP). The main purposes of CSIP are to:

Ultimately the goal of the Common Specification is to reach a level of interoperability between all Information Packages so that tools implementing the Common Specification can be adopted by institutions without the need for further modifications or adaptations.

Specification for Submission Information Packages (E-ARK SIP)

The main aims of this specification are to:

Specification for Archival Information Packages (E-ARK AIP)

The main aims of this specification are to:

Specification for Dissemination Information Packages (E-ARK DIP)

The main aims of this specification are to:

Content Information Type Specifications (E-ARK CITS)

The main aim of a Content Information Type Specification (CITS) is to:

The number of possible Content Information Type Specifications is unlimited. For a list of existing Content Information Type Specifications see the DILCIS Board webpage (DILCIS Board,

II. Organisational Support

This specification is maintained by the Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standards Board (DILCIS Board, The role of the DILCIS Board is to enhance and maintain the draft specifications developed in the European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation Project (E-ARK project,, which concluded in January 2017. The Board consists of eight members, but no restriction is placed on the number of participants taking part in the work. All Board documents and specifications are stored in GitHub (, while published versions are made available on the Board webpage. The DILCIS Board have been responsible for providing the core specifications to the Connecting Europe Facility eArchiving Building Block

III. Authors & Revision History

A full list of contributors to this specification, as well as the revision history, can be found in the Postface material.


Common Specification for Information Packages

Version: 2.2.0

Date: 2024-05-17

1. Introduction
1.1. The Common Specification for Information Packages and OAIS
1.2. The Common Specification for Information Packages and Content Information Type Specifications
1.3. Common Specification for Information Packages, OAIS Information Packages’ specifications and Content Information Type Specifications
1.4. Relation to other documents
1.4.1. International standards and best-practices
1.4.2. Other E-ARK specifications
1.5. Structure of the document
2. Need for establishing common ground
3. Principles for interoperable Information Packages
3.1. General principles
3.1.1. Principle 1.1
3.1.2. Principle 1.2:
3.1.3. Principle 1.3
3.1.4. Principle 1.4:
3.1.5. Principle 1.5:
3.1.6. Principle 1.6:
3.1.7. Principle 1.7:
3.2. Identification of the Information Package
3.2.1. Principle 2.1:
3.2.2. Principle 2.2:
3.2.3. Principle 2.3:
3.2.4. Principle 2.4:
3.2.5. Principle 2.5:
3.3. Structure of the Information Package
3.3.1. Principle 3.1:
3.3.2. Principle 3.2:
3.3.3. Principle 3.3:
3.3.4. Principle 3.4:
3.3.5. Principle 3.5:
3.3.6. Principle 3.6:
3.4. Information Package Metadata
3.4.1. Principle 4.1:
3.4.2. Principle 4.2:
3.4.3. Principle 4.3:
4. CSIP structure
4.1. Folder structure of the CSIP
4.2. Implementing the structure
5. Use of metadata
5.1. General requirements for metadata in a CSIP Information Package
5.2. General requirements for the use of metadata
5.2.1. The use of identifiers
5.2.2. XML Dates and times
5.2.3. Referencing between files within a CSIP Information Package
5.2.4. Referencing other packages
5.2.5. Examples
5.3. Use of METS
5.3.1. Use of the METS root element (element mets)
5.3.2. Use of the METS header (element metsHdr)
5.3.3. Use of the METS descriptive metadata section (element dmdSec)
5.3.4. Use of the METS administrative metadata section (element amdSec)
5.3.5. Use of the METS file section (element fileSec)
5.3.6. Use of the METS structural map (element structMap)
5.3.7. Deprecated requirements
5.4. Use of PREMIS
6. Implementation Considerations
6.1. Content Information Type Specifications
6.1.1. What is a Content Information Type Specification?
6.1.2. Maintaining Content Information Type Specifications
6.2. Handling large packages
6.3. Handling descriptive metadata within the Common Specification
7. Appendices
7.1. Appendix A: E-ARK Information Package METS Examples
7.1.1. Example 1: Example of a whole METS document describing an information package with no representations
7.1.2. Example 2: Example of a whole METS document describing an information package with representations
7.2. Appendix B: External Schema
7.2.1. E-ARK CSIP METS Extension
7.2.2. PREMIS
7.3. Appendix C: External Vocabularies
7.3.1. Content information type specification
7.3.2. Content Category
7.3.3. OAIS Package type
7.3.4. Note type
7.3.5. Other agent type
7.3.6. Identifier type
7.3.7. dmdSec status
7.3.8. IANA media types
7.3.9. File group names
7.3.10. Structural map typing
7.3.11. Structural map label
7.4. Appendix D: E-ARK CSIP Structural Requirements
7.5. Appendix E: E-ARK CSIP Metadata Requirements
7.5.1. E-ARK CSIP METS Profile Requirements

1. Introduction

This document introduces the concept of the Common Specification for Information Packages (CSIP). Its three main purposes are to:

  1. Establish a common understanding of the requirements which need to be met in order to achieve interoperability of Information Packages;

  2. Establish a common base for the development of more specific Information Package definitions and tools within the digital preservation community;

  3. Propose the details of an XML-based implementation of the requirements using, to the largest possible extent, standards which are widely used in international digital preservation.

Ultimately the goal of the Common Specification for Information Packages is to provide a level of interoperability between Information Packages so that tools implementing the CSIP can be taken up by institutions without the need for major modifications or adaptations.

1.1. The Common Specification for Information Packages and OAIS

The OAIS framework defines three types of Information Packages (IPs) present in the digital preservation ecosystem: Submission Information Packages (SIPs), Archival Information Packages (AIPs) and Dissemination Information Packages (DIPs) (Figure 1). These three IP types are respectively used to submit data and metadata to digital repositories, store it in long-term preservation facilities, and deliver it to consumers.

OAIS Entities

Figure 1: OAIS Functional Entities and Information Packages

The main goal in the development of this specification has been to identify and standardise the common aspects of IPs which are equally relevant and implemented by any of the functional entities of the overall digital preservation process presented in OAIS (i.e. pre-ingest, ingest, archival storage, data management and access). The practical implementation is that the specification allows for the development of generic tools and code libraries which can either be applied commonly across the whole lifecycle of digital data, or be reused as the basis for developing more specific, content or process-aware tools.

Process level interoperability requires detailed technical specifications for the OAIS information package types, i.e. SIP, AIP and DIP. The Common Specification for Information Packages is accompanied by corresponding extending implementation specifications for E-ARK SIP, E-ARK AIP and E-ARK DIP.


Figure 2: The scope of Common Specification for Information Packages in regard to OAIS Information Packages.

In general, the E-ARK SIP and E-ARK DIP specifications reuse and apply fully all the requirements set in this Common Specification. However, they also extend it with aspects relevant only for the respective processes (Figure 2).

For example, the E-ARK SIP specification extends the CSIP with further requirements about recording relevant information on a submission agreement and the actors of the submission process. On the other hand, the E-ARK DIP provides possibilities for describing complex access environments needed to reuse the content of a DIP.

It is important to note that the E-ARK AIP format does not extend the CSIP in the same way the E-ARK SIP and E-ARK DIP formats do, i.e. in the sense of a format specification inheriting all general properties from the CSIP which is then augmented by specific AIP requirements. The reason for this is that while the SIP and the DIP are like “snapshots” in time – one capturing the state of an information package at the time of submission (SIP), the other one capturing one form of delivery of the information for access (DIP) – then the AIP needs to deal with an “evolving object” which is constantly updated by preservation actions undertaken in the course of the object’s lifecycle. As such, while the E-ARK AIP specification does implement all of the core metadata requirements defined in the Common Specification and extends these (for example it describes a means to record preservation actions about the IP), it does also extend the default structure of the CSIP (defined in Section 4). Essentially the AIP introduces a more complex structure which allows at the same time to securely hold an E-ARK SIP (which itself follows in full the CSIP) and at the same time add and modify additional representations over a series of preservation actions.

1.2. The Common Specification for Information Packages and Content Information Type Specifications

As an interoperability standard, it must be possible to use the CSIP regardless of the type and format of the content users need to handle. At the same time, each individual content type and file format can have specific characteristics which need to be taken into account for purposes of validation, preservation and curation.

E-ARK specifications introduce the concept of Content Information Type Specifications to facilitate such in-depth control over specific content types and formats. A Content Information Type Specification can include detailed requirements as to how content, metadata, and documentation for specific content types (for example relational databases or geospatial data) have to be handled within a CSIP (or E-ARK SIP, AIP or DIP).

As of May 2019 these Content Information Type Specifications, created by the E-ARK project and enhanced by the DILCIS Board, have been verified for usage within the Common Specification for Information Packages:


Figure 3: Common Specification for Information Packages and Content Information Type Specifications

The total number of Content Information Type Specifications is unlimited, and the long-term commitment of the DILCIS Board is to keep the overall environment open and inclusive. As such, interested bodies are welcome to develop their own Content Information Type Specifications, for example, for 3D building projects or electronic publications. An appropriate management regime to facilitate the creation and approval of additional Content Information Type Specifications by anyone in the broader community is implemented by the DILCIS Board.

For more detailed information about the Content Information Type Specifications see Section 6.1 below and check

1.3. Common Specification for Information Packages, OAIS Information Packages’ specifications and Content Information Type Specifications

The overall ecosystem of the E-ARK Common Specifications consists of three layers (Figure 4):


Figure 4: The relationship between the Common Specification for Information Packages; E-ARK SIP, AIP and DIP specifications; and Content Information Type Specifications

Therefore the “thing encountered in the wild” is the E-ARK SIP, AIP or DIP including data according to one or many Content Information Type Specifications.

1.4. Relation to other documents

This Common Specification for Information Packages is related to the following documents:

1.4.1. International standards and best-practices

1.4.2. Other E-ARK specifications

The E-ARK SIP, AIP and DIP specifications build on the Common Specification for Information Packages and extend it in regard to requirements derived from pre-ingest and ingest, archival storage and access processes.

1.5. Structure of the document

The rest of this document describes the CSIP and its practical implementation. The document is divided into two logical parts.

The first part (Section 2 and Section 3) describes the generic principles of the CSIP. The main aim of these Sections is to first identify a common set of needs and thereafter present a series of requirements which an Information Package needs to follow regardless of the implementation at any given point in time:

The second part of this document (Section 4, Section 5 and Section 6) presents a practical implementation of the principles described in previous Sections, as implemented according to current state-of-the-art technologies. As such, this part of the document describes the requirements which are needed to achieve practical IP interoperability:

Finally, in addition to this document, full examples of IPs conforming to the Common Specification for Information implementation details are available in the examples directory on this site.

2. Need for establishing common ground

The vision: All digital preservation systems receive, store and provide access to information, regardless of its size, type or format, according to a set of agreed principles which allow institutions to identify, verify and validate the information in a uniform way.

The goal: Interoperability between data sources, archives and reuse environments is improved to a point where digital preservation tools can be reused across borders and institutions. This opens up new possibilities for collaboration and reduces the need for development resources for any single institution.

The amount of digital information being created, held and exchanged is continuously growing. This information is created with the help of numerous software tools and systems, comes in a variety of technical formats, and covers most aspects of our daily lives. Regardless of the formats and systems in question, it is necessary to consider whether the information needs to be retained and managed for longer periods of time. The reasons for this might be, for example:

Currently, most tools and systems used to create information are not built for coping with long-term requirements for keeping information safe and accessible. Instead, implementations separate the short-term and long-term management of information into different systems, for example, business and records systems on one hand and archival systems on the other (Figure 5).

OAIS Entities

Figure 5: Information flow between live and archival systems

The implication for data owners and system managers is that information which has to be kept for extended time periods need to be exchanged between a set of different locations, including archival systems:

As such, what is needed to make the long-term availability of crucial information possible under (usually limited) resources is a set of principles which allow exchanging information in a common way across the systems participating in archival workflows and processes (i.e. create a set of interoperability specifications). For archival information packages, the following interoperability scenarios have been identified (Figure 6):

OAIS Entities

Figure 6: Archival workflow and tool ecosystem

As of 2014 (the start of the development of this specification), the state of interoperability in digital preservation was rather poor. While national and institutional practical implementation-level specifications existed to serve the need for data and metadata packaging and exchange, these were generally not interoperable with each other. On the contrary, available and widely used international specifications (most notably METS and PREMIS) lack the necessary implementation-level detail, needed to serve as an authoritative source for practical interoperability.

This situation has a remarkable effect on the cost of digital preservation. Namely, the tools developed in individual institutions are not reusable across institutional and state borders and therefore need to be redeveloped at each location. Globally, this raises the cost of digital preservation to a level which makes it unaffordable for smaller institutions and, at the same time, does often not allow for developing tools which would be sufficiently mature, user-friendly and not prone to errors. Furthermore, the multitude of national or institutional specifications does not allow internationally active source system providers (e.g. Oracle, Microsoft) to build a single native archiving functionality into their products, meaning that there is a need for bespoke development (and therefore added cost) for each installation of these source systems across all sectors and countries.

To overcome these limitations this document proposes a universal common specification, which can be implemented across borders, describing how data and metadata should be structured and packaged when transferred to archival systems, ingested and preserved in these, and re-used. Such a specification will allow data owners to build standardised interfaces for the export of their data regardless of the archives in question; and digital archives to build standardised interfaces for data ingest and access, regardless of the data providers and users in question.

Further, the aim of the common specification is to be sufficiently detailed and technical to allow for extended collaboration in regard to software development and pooling. Ideally the tools which implement the common specification for data export, transfer, ingest, preservation and reuse are exchangeable between institutions and administrations with minimal effort. This leads to a significant decrease in resources needed from any single institution and opens up an extended market for commercial software providers.

3. Principles for interoperable Information Packages

At the heart of any standardisation activity has to be a clear understanding of the needs and aims which have to be addressed. This is also the goal of this section, which presents a series of high-level principles to guide the technical details delivered in Part II of this specification.

Most of the principles are driven by the aim of interoperability, which is that Information Packages shall be easy to exchange, identify, validate and (re)use with a wide variety of software tools and systems.

Another crucial factor to take into account is long-term sustainability. Practical technical and semantic interoperability is possible only when a certain set of technologies have been agreed upon and implemented. However, any technology will become outdated sooner or later, and previously agreed-upon approaches have to be updated to accommodate new, better and more efficient technologies and standards. Because of this, the developers of this Common Specification for Information Packages have reused, as much as possible, existing powerful, standardised and well-established best practices for the technical implementation of an Information Package (Part II of this document). This does not mean that the technical implementation details will not need to be changed in future, only that the need will arise later rather than sooner. To achieve long-term sustainability of the Common Specification for Information Packages, we present below a set of generic principles which must be followed when updating any specific implementation details at any point in time.

The principles present a conceptual view of an Information Package, including an overall IP data model, and use of data and metadata. An implementation of this conceptual view is presented later, in Part II of this document.

Each principle has a sequential number and a short description. The description always includes an RFC2119 keyword (MUST/MUST NOT, SHOULD/SHOULD NOT, MAY) to indicate the requirement level. The short description of each principle is followed by a rationale which describes the reason and background for the principle.

3.1. General principles

3.1.1. Principle 1.1

It MUST be possible to include any data or metadata in an Information Package regardless of its type or format.

This is one of the most crucial principles of the CSIP. To be truly “common”, technical implementations of the CSIP MUST NOT introduce limitations or restrictions which are only applicable to certain data or metadata types. If an Information Package implementation fails to meet this principle, it is not possible to use it across different sectors and tools, thereby limiting practical interoperability.

3.1.2. Principle 1.2:

The Information Package MUST NOT restrict the means, methods or tools for exchanging it.

Tools and methods for transferring Information Packages between locations are constantly evolving. It is also possible that different methods are preferred for packages of varying sizes. To ensure that a CSIP Information Package is truly interoperable across different platforms, it MUST NOT introduce limitations or restrictions which would be impossible to be met by specific information exchange tools or channels.

As such, the CSIP does also not define the principle to use a particular transfer package or envelope. The scope of the CSIP is limited to the structure and requirements for data and metadata within the package. Different implementers are welcome to choose their own methods on top of the CSIP.

3.1.3. Principle 1.3

The package format MUST NOT define the scope of data and metadata which constitutes an Information Package.

One of the fundamental principles of the CSIP is that it MUST allow each individual repository to define the (intellectual) scope of an Information Package and its relations to real-life entities. As such, any implementation of the CSIP MUST be equally usable for packaging, for example, the entire content of an ERMS as a single IP; or for extracting each record and its metadata from the ERMS individually and packaging each as a separate IP.

Out of the previous, we can also derive that a CSIP specification MUST NOT define that, for example, a SIP should conform to exactly one AIP. Instead, the CSIP MUST allow for the inclusion of “anything that the implementer wants to define as a SIP, AIP or DIP” and allow for “any relationships (1-1; 1-n; n-1; n-m) between SIPs, AIPs and DIPs”.

3.1.4. Principle 1.4:

The Information Package SHOULD be scalable.

One of the practical concerns for Information Packages is their size. Many digital repositories have problems with data objects and metadata of increasing sizes, making it especially difficult to carry out tasks related to data or metadata validation, and identification and modification. For example, Information Packages that include relational databases or born-digital 3D movies can easily reach TB sizes.

Consequently, any current or future implementation of the CSIP is required to provide for appropriate scalability mechanisms (for example, mechanisms for splitting large-scale data or metadata).

3.1.5. Principle 1.5:

The Information Package MUST be machine-readable

To support the goal of automating ingest, preservation and access workflows each of the implementations of the CSIP must be machine-actionable. This means that decisions about the use of metadata syntax and semantics as well as the physical structure must be expressed explicitly and in a clear way. This, in turn, allows the specification to be implemented in the same way across different tools and environments.

3.1.6. Principle 1.6:

The Information Package SHOULD be human-readable

In long-term preservation, it is necessary to take into account that “forgotten” Information Packages might be found long after details about the implementation are gone and no tools to access the package are available. For these scenarios, it is crucial to ensure that the structure and metadata of the Information Package are understandable with minimal effort by using simple tools like text editors and file viewers.

In practice, this means that any implementation of the CSIP should ensure that folder and file naming conventions allow for the human identification of package components and that the semantics of the package is explicit.

3.1.7. Principle 1.7:

The Information Package MUST NOT prescribe the use of a specific preservation method

Different preservation institutions and different types of data need to use different methods for long-term preservation; migration and emulation are typical examples. A CSIP implementation MUST NOT prescribe the use of a specific preservation method. Instead, it should allow users to document and/or add arbitrary data or metadata as necessary for preservation purposes.

3.2. Identification of the Information Package

3.2.1. Principle 2.1:

The Information Package OAIS type (SIP, AIP or DIP) MUST be clearly indicated.

One of the first tasks in analysing any Information Package is to identify its current status in the overall archival process. Therefore, any Information Package must explicitly and uniformly identify itself as a SIP, AIP or DIP.

3.2.2. Principle 2.2:

Any Information Package MUST clearly identify the Content Information Type(s) of its data and metadata.

As stated in Principle 1.1, any Information Package MUST be able to include any kind of data and metadata. At the same time, we have introduced in earlier Sections the concept of Content Information Types which allow users to achieve more detailed control and fine-grained interoperability. As such, any CSIP Information Package MUST include a statement about which Content Information Type Specification(s) has been followed within the Information Package, or on the contrary, indicate clearly that no specific Content Information Type Specification has been followed.

The practical implication of principles 1.1, 2.1 and 2.2 is that, once these have been followed in implementations, it is possible to develop modular identification and validation tools and workflows. While generic components can carry out high-level tasks regardless of the Content Information Type, it is possible to detect automatically which additional content-aware modules need to be executed.

3.2.3. Principle 2.3:

Any Information Package MUST have an identifier which is unique and persistent within the repository.

In order to manage a digital repository and provide access services, each Information Package stored in the repository MUST be identified uniquely at least within the repository. At the same time, a CSIP implementation MUST NOT limit the choice of the exact identification mechanism, as long as the mechanism is implemented consistently throughout the repository.

3.2.4. Principle 2.4:

Any Information Package SHOULD have an identifier which is globally unique and persistent.

In addition to the previous principle, it is recommended that the identification mechanism used at the repository provides for global uniqueness and persistence of Information Package IDs. The application of globally unique and persistent identifiers allows repositories to participate more easily in cross-institutional information exchange and reuse scenarios (for example participation in national or international portals, or cross-repository duplication of AIP preservation). However, the CSIP MUST NOT limit the choice of the exact identification mechanism.

3.2.5. Principle 2.5:

All components of an Information Package MUST have an identifier which is unique and persistent within the repository.

As stated above, an Information Package MUST be flexible enough to allow for the inclusion of any data or metadata depending on the needs of the repository and its users. As well, an Information Package might include additional support documentation like metadata schemas, user guidelines, contextual documentation etc. Regardless of which and how many components constitute a full Information Package, all components MUST have a unique and persistent identifier which allows for the appropriate linking of data, metadata and all other components. This, in turn, is one of the most crucial aspects for achieving an interoperable way of maintaining package integrity.

It is also worth mentioning that in any implementation, it is only necessary to achieve identifier uniqueness and persistence within an individual Information Package. If this is the case, repository-wide uniqueness is easily achieved when combining the package ID (unique according to principle 2.3) and the component ID.

The components of an Information Package are explained in more detail in the following section.

3.3. Structure of the Information Package

3.3.1. Principle 3.1:

The Information Package MUST ensure that data and metadata are logically separated from one another.

At the highest level, each Information Package can be logically subdivided into data and metadata. This logical separation minimises the effort required to identify or validate content/metadata and simplifies long-term preservation actions. For example, ingest tools may implement separate, efficient metadata identification and validation tasks as opposed to content format identification and normalisation tasks. Over the lifetime of a package, this separation also facilitates long-term preservation tasks, such as partial metadata or data updates that do not put the integrity of the package at risk. Regardless of the physical structure of a package, the Information Package MUST provide logical separation of data and metadata in the package’s manifest.

3.3.2. Principle 3.2:

The Information Package SHOULD ensure that data and metadata are physically separated from one another.

In addition to the logical separation of components, it is beneficial to have data and metadata physically separated (i.e. formatted as individual computer files or clearly separated bitstreams). This allows digital preservation tools and systems to update respective data or metadata portions of an Information Package without endangering the integrity of the whole package.

3.3.3. Principle 3.3:

The structure of the Information Package SHOULD allow for the separation of different types of metadata

In addition to the previous principle, it is recommended to explicitly divide metadata into more specific components. While the definitions of metadata types vary a lot between implementations, it is recommended that metadata is divided both logically and physically at least into descriptive and preservation metadata.

3.3.4. Principle 3.4:

The structure of the Information Package MUST allow for the creation of data and metadata in multiple representations.

The concept of representations is one of the fundamental building blocks in digital preservation. As technologies evolve and become obsolete, data and metadata are constantly updated to ensure long-term accessibility, therefore creating new versions or representations of the data and metadata.

Expressing representations within the logical and physical structure of an Information Package helps institutions to explicitly understand the various states of the information throughout its lifecycle, therefore improving also the ease of long-term management and reuse of the information.

3.3.5. Principle 3.5:

The structure of the Information Package MUST explicitly define the possibilities for adding additional components into the Information Package.

In addition to data and metadata, institutions might need to include additional components in an Information Package. For example, implementers might decide that XML Schemas about metadata structures and additional binary documentation about the original IT environment have to be added to the package.

If this is the case, the CSIP Information Package MUST NOT limit which components can constitute an Information Package and MUST offer clearly defined extension points for the inclusion of these additional components into the Information Package. At the same time, these extension points MUST be defined in a way which does not interfere with other components (i.e. the extension points MUST be clearly separated from other components of an Information Package).

3.3.6. Principle 3.6:

The Information Package SHOULD follow a common conceptual structure regardless of its technical implementation.

Based on principles 3.1 – 3.5, a common structure for any CSIP Information Package is presented (Figure 7).

Conceptual Structure

Figure 7: Conceptual structure of the Common Specification

Following Principle 3.1 the package MUST include a high-level structural component for metadata which includes at least relevant metadata for the whole package. In addition, the representations MUST internally separate between data and metadata (though note that the CSIP does not mandate that both data and metadata must be available in all representations).

Following Principle 3.2, it is strongly recommended that this logical structure is manifested as a physical folder structure.

Following Principle 3.3, it is strongly recommended that any package metadata is subdivided into separate metadata sub-types.

Following Principle 3.4, the structure separates the representations of data and metadata explicitly into a separate structural component.

Following Principle 3.5, repositories and their users have the possibility to add any additional components (as an example for schemas and binary support documentation) either as extensions to the whole Information Package or into a specific representation.

This common structure SHOULD be followed throughout all implementations of the CSIP.

The conceptual structure presented above can be implemented in various ways – for example, the components might be defined by accompanying metadata or explicitly through a physical structure. However, it is not reasonable to have multiple implementations available at once as this would lead to unnecessary complexity in developing interoperable tools for creating, processing and managing Information Packages. At the time being for CSIP the highly recommended implementation is to use a fixed physical folder structure in combination with a manifest in the form of a METS-document (see Section 4 and Section 5) as the implementation of this specification.

At the same time, it is clear that any given technical implementation will become obsolete in time, for example, as new transfer methods and storage solutions emerge. As such this specification does not prohibit the take-up of any emerging logical or physical technical solutions.

3.4. Information Package Metadata

3.4.1. Principle 4.1:

Metadata in the Information Package MUST conform to a standard or be in a well-formed format.

To exchange, validate, process and reuse Information Packages in an interoperable and automated way, it is necessary to standardise how metadata and especially what can be considered as crucial metadata are presented in the package. “Crucial metadata” is defined in this specification as the core information about how the package content has been created and managed (administrative and preservation metadata), explicit descriptions about of the structure of the package (structural metadata) and the technical details of the data themselves (technical metadata).

To ensure that these metadata are understood and implemented in a common and interoperable way in any Information Package, the use of established and widely used metadata standards is highly recommended. At the same time there are well-formed formats that can fulfill the same purpose. In the current implementation, a large proportion of such metadata is covered by the widely used METS and PREMIS standards (see Section 5).

3.4.2. Principle 4.2:

Metadata in the Information Package MUST allow for unambiguous use.

Many metadata standards support multiple options for describing specific details of an Information Package. However, such interpretation possibilities can also lead to different implementations and ultimately to the loss of interoperability.

To overcome this risk, the CSIP requires that, while developing a specific implementation, the chosen metadata standard MUST be reviewed regarding potential ambiguity. If needed, the selected metadata standard MUST be further refined to meet the needs of interoperability and automation.

3.4.3. Principle 4.3:

The Information Package MUST NOT restrict the addition of supplementary metadata.

Previous principles state the importance of controlled metadata for interoperability purposes. At the same time, the opposite applies for other types of metadata, most prominently for resource discovery (also called descriptive) or Content Information Type specific technical and structural metadata. So as not to limit the widespread adoption of the CSIP, it has to be possible for any implementer to add any metadata next to the mandatory metadata components needed for package-level automation and interoperability.

In case organisations need to prescribe further details about descriptive or Content Information Type specific metadata for a deeper level of interoperability, it is possible to use the mechanism of Content Information Type Specifications described above.

To summarise the requirements above from a more technical perspective, the CSIP foresees a modular approach towards Information Package metadata:

PART II: Implementation of the CSIP

In this part of the document we present an implementation of the requirements and principles presented in Part I of the specifciation for CSIP. The implementation consists of two core elements: a fixed physical structure of a CSIP Information Package (Section 4) and the exact use of metadata using the “Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard” (METS) and “PREservation Metadata Implementation Strategies” (PREMIS) format (Section 5).

As explained earlier, any implementation using a metadata standard will inevitably become obsolete. However, the authors have reused available best practices and established standards, and held discussions with the digital preservation community to ensure that the implementation is as future proof as possible.

4. CSIP structure

The preferred implementation of the logical model described in Principle 3.6 is a strict physical (folder) structure that precisely follows the logical structure. While the specification does not prohibit alternative implementations of the conceptual model, the practice is not recommended.

The main reason for this implementation decision is that a fixed and documented folder structure makes the package layout clear to both human users and automated tools. The main benefit this clarity is that many archival tasks (e.g. file format risk analysis), can be executed directly on the data portion of the package structure, as opposed to first processing potentially large amounts of metadata for file locations. This allows for more efficient processing which is valuable in the case of large collections and bulk operations. A fixed folder structure, therefore, provides efficiency and scalability.

Many data storage solutions do not explicitly support folder structures, but use other means for structuring and storing AIP data and metadata. However, the purpose of this specification is to facilitate and support Information Package interoperability. When storage solutions do not support the implementation of the package structure for native AIP storage, it is still possible to implement the physical structure for SIPs and DIPs. While systems need to implement transformations between Common Specification IPs and internal AIPs it allows interoperability between tools that support the common specification, easy transfer of IPs to new repository systems or storage solutions and the establishment of multi-repository duplicated storage solutions.

4.1. Folder structure of the CSIP

The CSIP folder structure is presented in Figure 8 below. The structure directly follows the principles of the conceptual data model, dividing the package components into individual folders for representations, metadata, and other components. All of folders described ought to be present even if they are empty.

IP Folder Structure

Figure 8: CSIP Information Package folder structure

The implementation requirements of the CSIP Information Package structure are:

CSIPSTR1: Any Information Package MUST be included within a single physical root folder (known as the “Information Package root folder”). For packages contained in an archive format, see CSIPSTR3, the archive MUST unpack to a single root folder.

CSIPSTR2: The Information Package root folder SHOULD be named with the ID or name of the Information Package, that is the value of the package METS.xml’s root <mets> element’s @OBJID attribute.

CSIPSTR3: The Information Package MAY be contained in an archive/compressed form, e.g. TAR or ZIP, for storage or transfer. The specific format details should be decided by the interested parties and documented, for example in a submission agreement or statement of access terms.

CSIPSTR4: The Information Package root folder MUST include a file named METS.xml. This file MUST contain metadata that identifies the package, provides a high-level package description, and describes its structure, including pointers to constituent representations.

CSIPSTR5: The Information Package root folder SHOULD include a folder named metadata, which SHOULD include metadata relevant to the whole package.

CSIPSTR6: If preservation metadata are available, they SHOULD be included in sub-folder preservation.

CSIPSTR7: If descriptive metadata are available, they SHOULD be included in sub-folder descriptive.

CSIPSTR8: If any other metadata are available, they MAY be included in separate sub-folders, for example an additional folder named other.

CSIPSTR9: The Information Package folder SHOULD include a folder named representations.

CSIPSTR10: The representations folder SHOULD include a sub-folder for each individual representation (i.e. the “representation folder”). Each representation folder should have a string name that is unique within the package scope. For example the name of the representation and/or its creation date might be good candidates as a representation sub-folder name.

CSIPSTR11: The representation folder SHOULD include a sub-folder named data which MAY include all data constituting the representation.

CSIPSTR12: The representation folder SHOULD include a metadata file named METS.xml which includes information about the identity and structure of the representation and its components. The recommended best practice is to always have a METS.xml in the representation folder.

CSIPSTR13: The representation folder SHOULD include a sub-folder named metadata which MAY include all metadata about the specific representation.

CSIPSTR14: The Information Package MAY be extended with additional sub-folders.

CSIPSTR15: We recommend including all XML schema documents for any structured metadata within package. These schema documents SHOULD be placed in a sub-folder called schemas within the Information Package root folder and/or the representation folder.

CSIPSTR16: We recommend including any supplementary documentation for the package or a specific representation within the package. Supplementary documentation SHOULD be placed in a sub-folder called documentation within the Information Package root folder and/or the representation folder. Examples of documentation include representation information and manuals for the system the data objects have been exported from.

4.2. Implementing the structure

The requirements presented in Section 4.1 leave scope for decisions during the implementation. For clarity we provide two extreme examples – both the simplest and the most complete use of the structure.

In the simple case the structure can be implemented for the most part by adhering to only the MUST requirements. An example of this is shown in Figure 9.

CSIP Example

Figure 9: A simple CSIP structure example.

Note that the representations have been kept as simple as possible. All metadata for both the package and the representations (METS, EAD and PREMIS metadata) are located in the Information Package folder rather than in the representation folders.

Such a simple implementation is reasonable in scenarios where the amount of data and metadata is limited. However, in the case of large Information Packages (e.g. packages comprising several representations, each with 1,000,000 files) the size of both the METS.xml file and preservation metadata can become too large to manage efficiently. In such large data scenarios it might prove necessary to implement all the features of the structure presented in the previous Section.

An example of a full implementation is illustrated in Figure 10. One observation is that the representations of the complete example essentially repeat the simple structure. Structural and preservation metadata in METS and PREMIS formats are available in both the Information Package folder, package level metadata, and the representation folders, representation level metadata. This illustrates how the full structure facilitates the management of single representations bringing benefits such as simpler metadata versioning. It is worth noting, to avoid confusion, that we recommend adoption of a common approach, either adding metadata to representations or not. That is, we recommend placing all representation-relevant metadata in a single location. You may use either the package level metadata folder or the representation level metadata folder, but do not divide metadata between the two inconsistently, with representation metadata stored at both package and representation level. We also do not recommend duplication of metadata or content of optional folders, e.g. schemas, documentation, etc., between the Information Package folder and representation folders.

CSIP Example

Figure 10: Example of the full use of the CSIP structure  

5. Use of metadata

5.1. General requirements for metadata in a CSIP Information Package

The primary consideration with metadata is, as with the rest of this specification, interoperability. Specifically, the high-level technical interoperability and tasks that allow an Information Package to be prepared, transferred and received, regardless of the institutions or tools involved. These tasks include:

In technical terms, the CSIP tries to control metadata needed by tools or users to:

Descriptive metadata and most detailed technical metadata is outside the scope of the CSIP. As such, the CSIP does not provide detailed semantic interoperability between different systems. However, as noted in Section 1.2, implementers are welcome to use the Content Information Type Specifications to achieve interoperability at a more detailed level.

The core metadata requirements are described using METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard, We describe the core elements used, METS describes other available elements which may be used in addition to those detailed in the CSIP.

Some metadata requirements are implied by the structure presented in the previous section. As seen, one or more METS files can be present in a package. The METS file describing the whole package is from now called the “Package METS”, and the METS file in the representation folders are called “Representation METS”. The detailed specification of using METS within the CSIP is available in Section 5.3.

In addition to the METS files, the CSIP recommends the inclusion of PREMIS metadata (PREservation Metadata Implementation Strategies,, placed in appropriate preservation metadata folders. This facilitates interoperable approach towards provenance and access to Information Packages. However, it is recognised that, especially in the case of SIPs, appropriate preservation metadata is not always available. As such, this is also not an absolute requirement though highly desirable. A specification of the use of PREMIS within the CSIP is available in Section 5.4.

The specification does not prohibit the use of additional metadata within Information Packages.

5.2. General requirements for the use of metadata

Before detailing the requirements covering the use of METS and PREMIS, it is necessary to highlight some general metadata concerns which should be handled consistently.

5.2.1. The use of identifiers

Both METS, and by derivation the CSIP, make extensive use of the XML ID data type (see: Valid XML IDs must also conform to the NCName restrictions (see:, and must begin a letter or an underscore character (‘_’), and contain no characters other than letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, full stops, plus some extension and combination characters.

If a package makes use of IDs that do not conform to this specification, one mitigating strategy is to add a prefix to all identifiers. For example, UUIDs are a common choice for arbitrary identifiers and comprise of hex characters and hyphens (e.g. the value 906F4F12-BA52-4779-AE2C-178F9206111F). NCName and xml:id values cannot legally begin with numeric characters making many UUIDs, including the example, invalid. The examples below show two possible solutions, using prefixes:

Example 1: The prefix consists of the identifier type acronym and a hyphen: uuid-.

<dmdSec ID="uuid-906F4F12-BA52-4779-AE2C-178F9206111F" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00">

Example 2: A generic prefix:ID.

<dmdSec ID="ID906F4F12-BA52-4779-AE2C-178F9206111F" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00">

The identifiers specified within the CSIP are mainly used as internal references between Information Package components described in the METS-document. Prefixes are not mandatory, but if they are used, it is recommended that a single prefix is chosen and used consistently across all IDs in the package.

Note that while we recommend the use of generated unique IDs in real world information packages we used logical unique names for the examples in this document. This is for readability purposes, particularly for any readers trying to follow reference links.

5.2.2. XML Dates and times

The METS schema prescribes several attributes named CREATEDATE OR LASTMODDATE, used to record the temporal creation and modification details of package files. While these attributes are simply named DATE, they are in fact XML Schema datetime and must include a time as well as a date. To use the date and current time of writing as an example, the legal attribute value is 2021-10-12T14:35:10+01:00, where the +01:00 denotes the BST timezone, one hour in front of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). In many cases implementers won’t have an accurate time, only a date. In these cases simply apply the time of mid-night to the datetime, so the previous example expressed as a date would read 2021-10-12T00:00:00+01:00.

5.2.3. Referencing between files within a CSIP Information Package

It is strongly recommended that all components of an information package (i.e. all data, metadata and other parts) are stored as discrete files within the package. While this approach simplifies the management of the Information Package, making it easier to aggregate, validate and modify the package, it also necessitates a clear method for recording and resolving referencing between files.

For example, when using the CSIP referencing can occur between:

A consistent approach to referencing between package components is a fundamental requirement for Information Package validation and integrity checking. Different technical solutions exist for referencing and resolving, but they are not universally supported by all digital preservation tools. To ensure interoperability, all references within a CSIP Information Package must adhere to the requirements stated in this specification.

5.2.4. Referencing other packages

It is important that external references (i.e. to other packages) are expressed consistently, in the same manner as internal references. All references to other packages MUST USE the mets/@OBJID value of the target package.

5.2.5. Examples

This document illustrates the use of the specification with generic examples. These examples use values from vocabularies and elements defined by the CSIP to demonstrate some specific uses of the specification. Outside these CSIP specific values, the METS values are fictive and are not meant to constitute real-life examples. More complete examples will be provided in the CSIP user guidelines that will be published at a future date.

5.3. Use of METS

The main requirement for METS files in a CSIP Information Package is that these need to follow the official METS Schema version 1.12 (by CSIP used version in May 2019) and the extension schema developed for the CSIP and published by the DILCIS Board. As new versions of METS Schema become available the DILCIS Board will evaluate these and, if necessary, update the CSIP respectively.

The following text assumes knowledge of the principles of the METS specification. If this is not the case, please consult the official documentation before continuing.

The METS specification requires a METS profile document which describes the use of METS and the METS elements. All the requirements described in this specification is also expressed with a METS profile for the CSIP

METS allows metadata to be both embedded and referenced. The CSIP itself allows both the embedding of metadata within the METS.xml file but note that for scalability concerns the CSIP only recommends the use of referencing. This means that the CSIP only describes referencing of metadata.

The rest of this section describes the use of each of the METS elements: mets, metsHdr, dmdSec, amdSec, fileSec and structMap. For each element, the restrictions imposed by the CSIP on top or those in the official METS documentation are explained. A CSIP implementation can choose to extend the restrictions in line with requirements specific to the implementation. In these cases follow the METS documentation and create an implementation which uses the CSIP as a base profile.

Differences between creating a package METS file and representation METS file are described when relevant.

All names of elements and attributes below are expressed using the XPath notation (i.e. element/sub-element/@attribute)

5.3.1. Use of the METS root element (element mets)

The METS document’s root element (<mets>) describes the container for the information being stored and/or transmitted. The <mets> element of a CSIP conformant METS document uses attributes from the METS specification and additional attributes defined in the CSIP extension schema.

As well as the METS and CSIP extension attributes, the METS document’s root <mets> element must define all of the relevant namespaces and locations for XML schema used in the package. This is done using the @xmlns and @xsi:schemaLocation attributes as described in “Referencing a Schema in an XML Document”. The schema identifiers and locations for a typical CSIP <mets> element are shown below:

  <mets:mets xmlns:xsi=""

When using XML schemas the availability of the actual schema resources should be considered. Externally hosted resources are not guaranteed to be available in the future, or in restricted operating environments. We recommend that copies of all XML schema resources should be included in the information package, located in appropriate ‘schemas’ folders at package or representation level. When schemas have been included in the package schemas folder, links to the schema documents should refer to the relative path of the schema file within the package, i.e. schemas/mets.xsd.

The specific requirements for the root element and its attributes are described in the following table.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
CSIP1 Package Identifier
The mets/@OBJID attribute is mandatory, its value is a string identifier for the METS document. For the package METS document following CSIPSTR2 , this should be the name/ID of the package, i.e. the name of the package root folder.
For a representation level METS document this value records the name/ID of the representation following CSIPSTR10 , i.e. the name of the top-level representation folder.
Observe that the name/ID used in the mets/@OBJID attribute might not be possible to directly transform into a folder name due to limitations in the used file system. If there are illegal characters present there are different character mapping techniques to use to transform the mets/@OBJID into a valid folder name.
CSIP2 Content Category
The mets/@TYPE attribute MUST be used to declare the category of the content held in the package, e.g. “Datasets”, “Websites”, “Mixes” , “Other”, etc.. Legal values are defined in a fixed vocabulary. When the content category used falls outside of the defined vocabulary the mets/@TYPE value must be set to “OTHER” and the specific value declared in mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE. The vocabulary will develop under the curation of the DILCIS Board as additional content information type specifications are produced.
CSIP3 Other Content Category
When the mets/@TYPE attribute has the value “OTHER” the mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE attribute MUST be used to declare the content category of the package/representation. The value can either be “OTHER” or any other string that are not present in the vocabulary used in the mets/@TYPE attribute.
CSIP4 Content Information Type Specification
Used to declare the Content Information Type Specification used when creating the package. Legal values are defined in a fixed vocabulary. The attribute is mandatory for representation level METS documents. The vocabulary will evolve under the care of the DILCIS Board as additional Content Information Type Specifications are developed.
CSIP5 Other Content Information Type Specification
When the mets/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE has the value “OTHER” the mets/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE must state the content information type.
CSIP6 METS Profile
The URL of the METS profile that the information package conforms with.

Example: METS root element showing use of csip:@OTHERTYPE attribute when an appropriate package content category value is not available in the vocabulary. The @TYPE attribute value is set to OTHER.

<mets:mets xmlns:csip="" xmlns:mets="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" OBJID="csip-mets-example" LABEL="Sample CSIP Information Package" TYPE="OTHER" csip:OTHERTYPE="Patterns" PROFILE="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Example: METS root element illustrating the use of a custom csip:@OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute value when the correct content type value does note exist in the vocabulary. The csip:@CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute value is set to OTHER.

<mets:mets xmlns:csip="" xmlns:mets="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" OBJID="csip-mets-example" LABEL="Sample CSIP Information Package" TYPE="Datasets" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="OTHER" csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="FGS Personal, version 1" PROFILE="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

5.3.2. Use of the METS header (element metsHdr)

The purpose of the METS header section is to describe the METS document itself, for example information about the creator of the IP. The requirements for the metsHdr element, its sub-elements and attributes are presented in the following table.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
CSIP117 Package header
General element for describing the package.
CSIP7 Package creation datetime
mets/metsHdr/@CREATEDATE records the date and time the package was created.
CSIP8 Package last modification datetime
mets/metsHdr/@LASTMODDATE records the data and time the package was modified and is mandatory when the package has been modified.
CSIP9 OAIS Package type information
mets/metsHdr/@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE is an additional CSIP attribute that declares the type of the IP.
CSIP10 Agent
A mandatory agent element records the software used to create the package. Other uses of agents may be described in any local implementations that extend the profile.
It is possible according to METS to use more note elements but in this implementation for this agent describing the software used it is one mandatory note for describing the version of the software.
CSIP11 Agent role
The mandatory agent element MUST have a @ROLE attribute with the value “CREATOR”.
CSIP12 Agent type
The mandatory agent element MUST have a @TYPE attribute with the value “OTHER”.
CSIP13 Agent other type
The mandatory agent element MUST have a @OTHERTYPE attribute with the value “SOFTWARE”.
CSIP14 Agent name
The mandatory agent’s name element records the name of the software tool used to create the IP.
CSIP15 Agent additional information
The mandatory agent’s mandatory note element records the version of the tool used to create the IP.
CSIP16 Classification of the agent additional information
mets/metsHdr/agent/note[@csip:NOTETYPE='SOFTWARE VERSION']
The mandatory agent element’s note child has a @csip:NOTETYPE attribute with a fixed value of “SOFTWARE VERSION”.

Example: METS agent example of the mandatory agent

<mets:metsHdr CREATEDATE="2018-04-24T14:37:49.602+01:00" LASTMODDATE="2018-04-24T14:37:49.602+01:00" RECORDSTATUS="NEW" csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE="SIP">
    <mets:note csip:NOTETYPE="SOFTWARE VERSION">

5.3.3. Use of the METS descriptive metadata section (element dmdSec)

The purpose of the METS descriptive metadata section is to embed or refer to files containing descriptive metadata. CSIP is only using referencing of files containing descriptive metadata.

The CSIP does not prescribe or assume the use of specific descriptive metadata schemas. This means implementers are free to use descriptive metadata standards of their choosing inside a CSIP package following the recommendations in the “E-ARK Conmmon Specification for Archival Information” (CS Archival Information) found at .

Specific elements for which the exact use is fixed within this specification are highlighted in the following table.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
CSIP17 Descriptive metadata
Must be used if descriptive metadata for the package content is available. Each descriptive metadata section (<dmdSec>) contains a single description and must be repeated for multiple descriptions, when available.
It is possible to transfer metadata in a package using just the descriptive metadata section and/or administrative metadata section.
CSIP18 Descriptive metadata identifier
An xml:id identifier for the descriptive metadata section (<dmdSec>) used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP19 Descriptive metadata creation datetime
Creation date and time of the descriptive metadata in this section.
CSIP20 Status of the descriptive metadata
Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
CSIP21 Reference to the document with the descriptive metadata
Reference to the descriptive metadata file located in the “metadata” section of the IP.
CSIP22 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP23 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP24 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. This specification recommends recording a URL type filepath in this attribute.
CSIP25 Type of metadata
Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Values are taken from the list provided by the METS.
CSIP26 File mime type
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP27 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP28 File creation datetime
The creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP29 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP30 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.

Example: METS example of references to descriptive metadata which is described with an EAD document

<mets:dmdSec ID="dmd-ead-file" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00">
  <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="EAD" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/descriptive/ead2002.xml" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="903" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00" CHECKSUM="F24263BF09994749F335E1664DCE0086DB6DCA323FDB6996938BCD28EA9E8153" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">

5.3.4. Use of the METS administrative metadata section (element amdSec)

METS defines an administrative metadata section, used to embed metadata or provide references to files containing metadata for the information package content. The CSIP encourages the use of references to metadata files, rather than embedding metadata in the amdSec element, and the examples reflect this.

The administrative metadata section contains four sub-sections each used to record different types of metadata for package content:

The CSIP only describes use of the elements digiprovMD and rightsMD. The population of the other metadata sections are left to local policy and practise.

The CSIP (and METS) categorises preservation metadata as administrative metadata, specifically Digital Provenance metadata (following the avaiable guidelines published by the PREMIS EC guidelines:, hence all preservation metadata should be referenced from a digiprovMD element within the amdSec.

The METS amdSec element SHOULD include references to all relevant metadata located in the folder “metadata/preservation”. The package level METS.xml file SHOULD only reference package level preservation metadata. Representation level METS.xml files SHOULD only reference representation level preservation metadata.

The specific requirements for the amdSec element, its sub-elements and attributes are presented in the following table.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
CSIP31 Administrative metadata
If administrative / preservation metadata is available, it must be described using the administrative metadata section (<amdSec>) element.
All administrative metadata is present in a single <amdSec> element.
It is possible to transfer metadata in a package using just the descriptive metadata section and/or administrative metadata section.
CSIP32 Digital provenance metadata
For recording information about preservation the standard PREMIS is used. It is mandatory to include one <digiprovMD> element for each piece of PREMIS metadata.
The use if PREMIS in METS is following the recommendations in the 2017 version of PREMIS in METS Guidelines.
CSIP33 Digital provenance metadata identifier
An xml:id identifier for the digital provenance metadata section mets/amdSec/digiprovMD used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP34 Status of the digital provenance metadata
Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
CSIP35 Reference to the document with the digital provenance metadata
Reference to the digital provenance metadata file stored in the “metadata” section of the IP.
CSIP36 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP37 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP38 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. This specification recommends recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
CSIP39 Type of metadata
Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Values are taken from the list provided by the METS.
CSIP40 File mime type
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP41 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP42 File creation datetime
Creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP43 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP44 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
CSIP45 Rights metadata
A simple rights statement may be used to describe general permissions for the package. Individual representations should state their specific rights in their representation METS file.
Available standards include , Europeana rights statements info , METS Rights Schema created and maintained by the METS Board, the rights part of PREMIS as well as own local rights statements in use.
CSIP46 Rights metadata identifier
An xml:id identifier for the rights metadata section (<rightsMD>) used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP47 Status of the rights metadata
Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
CSIP48 Reference to the document with the rights metadata
Reference to the rights metadata file stored in the “metadata” section of the IP.
CSIP49 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP50 Type of locator
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP51 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
CSIP52 Type of metadata
Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Value is taken from the list provided by the METS.
CSIP53 File mime type
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP54 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP55 **File creation datetime **
Creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP56 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP57 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.

Example: METS example of references to preservation metadata in the form of PREMIS metadata for describing the preservation objects and the events pertaining to the objects

  <mets:digiprovMD ID="digiprov-premis-file-1" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00">
    <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis1.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="1211" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="8aa278038dbad54bbf142e7d72b493e2598a94946ea1304dc82a79c6b4bac3d5" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis1.xml">
  <mets:digiprovMD ID="digiprov-premis-file-2" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:47:52.783+01:00">
    <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis2.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="2854" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="d1dfa585dcc9d87268069dc58d5e47956434ec3db4087a75a3885d287f15126f" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis2.xml">

5.3.5. Use of the METS file section (element fileSec)

The CSIP does not make the use of the METS fileSec element mandatory, but it is strongly recommended. The fileSec should describe every component of the IP not already described in the amdSec and dmdSec elements. Location and checksum values must be provided for all file entries.

The METS file section serves as a manifest, allowing users to ensure all files are present and that a package is complete, as well as testing the integrity of package files using checksum values.

The files are described in a file group element named fileGrp. The fileGrp element contains the descriptions of the files including their checksum and location. It is possible to nest fileGrp elements within other fileGrp elements, however the CSIP states that hierarchical nesting SHOULD NOT be used.

The CSIP requires that both package and representation level METS files include at least three file group (fileGrp) elements. The CSIP divides the referenced files into categories, i.e. documentation. schemas, data, each contained within its own fileGrp element. It is possible to add own additional file groups following the same file groups requirements described in CSIP. Representation level METS files should not reference files outside of their representation. That is they should not contain references to package level files or files from other representations. The package level METS file should contain a fileGrp element for each representation which contains a single reference to the representation’s METS.xml file. This is to ensure that the package lists all representations and their locations for completeness and integrity checks.

The specific requirements for elements, sub-elements and attributes are listed in the following table. Note that the use of the stream and transformFile elements is not discussed below. Implementers wishing to use either of these METS elements should follow the requirements in the METS documentation.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
CSIP58 File section
References to all transferred content SHOULD be placed in the file section in the different file group elements, described in other requirements.
Only a single file section (<fileSec>) element should be present.
In the case that a package only contains metadata updates, i.e. exclusively metadata files, then no file references need to be added to this section.
CSIP59 File section identifier
An xml:id identifier for the file section used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP60 Documentation file group
All documentation pertaining to the transferred content is placed in one or more file group elements with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value “Documentation”.
CSIP113 Schema file group
All XML schemas used in the information package must be referenced from one or more file groups with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value “Schemas”.
CSIP114 Representations file group
A pointer to the METS document describing the representation or pointers to the content being transferred must be present in one or more file groups with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value starting with “Representations” followed by the path to the folder where the representation level METS document is placed. For example “Representation/submission” and “Representation/ingest”.
CSIP61 Reference to administrative metadata
If administrative metadata has been provided at file group mets/fileSec/fileGrp level this attribute refers to its administrative metadata section by ID.
CSIP62 Content Information Type Specification
An added attribute which states the name of the content information type specification used to create the package.
The vocabulary will evolve under the curation of the DILCIS Board as additional content information type specifications are developed.
When the element “Content Information Type Specification” (CSIP4) has the value “MIXED” or the file group describes a representation, then this element states the content information type specification used for the file group.
When the element “Representations file group” (CSIP114), the file group describes a representation with the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value is starting with “Representations”, then this element must state the content information type specification used for the representation.
CSIP63 Other Content Information Type Specification
When the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute has the value “OTHER” the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE must state a value for the Content Information Type Specification used.
CSIP64 Description of the use of the file group
The value in the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE is the name of the whole folder structure to the data, e.g “Documentation”, “Schemas”, “Representations/preingest” or “Representations/submission/data”.
CSIP65 File group identifier
An xml:id identifier for the file group used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP66 File
The file group (<fileGrp>) contains the file elements which describe the file objects.
CSIP67 File identifier
A unique xml:id identifier for this file within the XML-document.
CSIP68 File mimetype
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP69 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP70 File creation datetime
Creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP71 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP72 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
CSIP73 File original identification
If an identifier for the file was supplied by the owner it can be recorded in this attribute.
CSIP74 File reference to administrative metadata
If administrative metadata has been provided for the file this attribute refers to the file’s administrative metadata by ID.
CSIP75 File reference to descriptive metadata
If descriptive metadata has been provided per file this attribute refers to the file’s descriptive metadata by ID.
CSIP76 File locator reference
The location of each external file must be defined by the file location <FLocat> element using the same rules as references for metadata files. All references to files should be made using the XLink href attribute and the file protocol using the relative location of the file.
CSIP77 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP78 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP79 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.

Example: METS example of how the structuring of the data is made in the file section

<mets:fileSec ID="file-sec-example">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-doc" USE="Documentation">
    <mets:file ID="file-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File.docx">
    <mets:file ID="file2-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File2.docx">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-schema" USE="Schemas">
    <mets:file ID="file-ead-schema" MIMETYPE="text/xsd" SIZE="123917" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="0BF9E16ADE296EF277C7B8E5D249D300F1E1EB59F2DCBD89644B676D66F72DCC" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="schemas/ead2002.xsd">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-rep-subdata" USE="Representations/submission/data" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARDDK">
    <mets:file ID="file-siard-xml" MIMETYPE="xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-2 digiprov-premis-file-1">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/submission/data/SIARD.xml">

Example: METS example of how the structuring of the data including representations are made in the file section

<mets:fileSec ID="file-sec-example">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-doc" USE="Documentation">
    <mets:file ID="file-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File.docx">
    <mets:file ID="file2-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File2.docx">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-schema" USE="Schemas">
    <mets:file ID="file-ead-schema" MIMETYPE="text/xsd" SIZE="123917" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="0BF9E16ADE296EF277C7B8E5D249D300F1E1EB59F2DCBD89644B676D66F72DCC" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="schemas/ead2002.xsd">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-rep-preing" USE="Representations/preingest" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="OTHER" csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="Access database">
    <mets:file ID="file-preing-mets-xml" MIMETYPE="xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-2 digiprov-premis-file-1">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/preingest/METS.xml">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-rep-sub" USE="Representations/submission" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARDDK" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-1 digiprov-premis-file-2">
    <mets:file ID="file-sub-mets-xml" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-2 digiprov-premis-file-1">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/submission/METS.xml">
  <mets:fileGrp ID="file-grp-rep-ing" USE="Representations/ingest" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARD1" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-3 digiprov-premis-file-4">
    <mets:file ID="file-ing-mets-xml" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-2 digiprov-premis-file-1">
      <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/ingest/METS.xml">

5.3.6. Use of the METS structural map (element structMap)

The METS structural map element is the only mandatory element in the METS specification. It provides an overview of the components described in the METS document. It can also link the elements in the structure to associated content files and metadata. In the CSIP the <structMap> describes the higher level structure of all the content in the package and may link to representations.

The CSIP requires the inclusion of one mandatory structural map according to the principles described below. However, implementers are welcome to define additional structural maps for their internal purposes by repeating the <structMap> element. The most crucial requirements for the CSIP mandated structural map are as follows:

The specific requirements for elements, sub-elements and attributes are listed in the following table. Note that the <area>, <seq> and <par> elements are not discussed below.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
CSIP80 Structural description of the package
The structural map <structMap> element is the only mandatory element in the METS.
The <structMap> in the CSIP describes the highest logical structure of the IP.
Every CSIP compliant METS file must include ONE structural map <structMap> element used exactly as described in this section of requirements.
Institutions can add their own additional custom structural maps as separate <structMap> sections following their own requirements.
CSIP81 Type of structural description
The mets/structMap/@TYPE attribute must take the value “PHYSICAL” from the vocabulary.
CSIP82 Name of the structural description
The mets/structMap/@LABEL attribute value is set to “CSIP” from the vocabulary.
This requirement identifies the CSIP compliant structural map <structMap> element.
CSIP83 Structural description identifier
An xml:id identifier for the structural description (structMap) used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP84 Main structural division
The structural map comprises a single division.
CSIP85 Main structural division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP88 Metadata division
The metadata referenced in the administrative and/or descriptive metadata section is described in the structural map with one sub division.
When the transfer consists of only administrative and/or descriptive metadata this is the only sub division that occurs.
CSIP89 Metadata division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP90 Metadata division label
The metadata division <div> element’s @LABEL attribute value must be “Metadata”.
CSIP91 Metadata division references administrative metadata
The admimistrative metadata division should reference all current administrative metadata sections.
All <amdSec>s with @STATUS='CURRENT' SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
The current <amdSec> @IDs are recorded in the div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@ADMID attribute in a space delimited list.
CSIP92 Metadata division references descriptive metadata
The descriptive metadata division should reference all current descriptive metadata sections.
All <dmdSec>s with @STATUS='CURRENT' SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
The current <dmdSec> @IDs are recorded in the div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@DMDID attribute in a space delimited list.
CSIP93 Documentation division
The documentation referenced in the file section file groups is described in the structural map with one sub division.
CSIP94 Documentation division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP95 Documentation division label
The documentation division <div> element in the package uses the value “Documentation” from the vocabulary as the value for the @LABEL attribute.
CSIP96 Documentation file references
All file groups containing documentation described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. There MUST be one file group reference per <fptr> element.
CSIP116 Documentation file group reference pointer
A reference, by ID, to the “Documentation” file group.
Related to the requirements CSIP60 which describes the “Documentation” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP97 Schema division
The schemas referenced in the file section file groups are described in the structural map within a single sub-division.
CSIP98 Schema division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP99 Schema division label
The schema division <div> element’s @LABEL attribute has the value “Schemas” from the vocabulary.
CSIP100 Schema file reference
All file groups containing schemas described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. One file group reference per fptr-element
CSIP118 Schema file group reference
The pointer to the identifier for the “Schema” file group.
Related to the requirements CSIP113 which describes the “Schema” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP101 Content division
When no representations are present the content referenced in the file section file group with @USE attribute value “Representations” is described in the structural map as a single sub division.
CSIP102 Content division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP103 Content division label
The package’s content division <div> element must have the @LABEL attribute value “Representations”, taken from the vocabulary.
CSIP104 Content division file references
All file groups containing content described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. One file group reference per fptr-element.
CSIP119 Content division file group references
The pointer to the identifier for the “Representations” file group.
Related to the requirements CSIP114 which describes the “Representations” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP105 Representation division
When a package consists of multiple representations, each described by a representation level METS.xml document, there should be a discrete representation div element for each representation.
Each representation div references the representation level METS.xml document, documenting the structure of the package and its constituent representations.
CSIP106 Representations division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP107 Representations division label
The package’s representation division <div> element @LABEL attribute value must be the path to the representation level METS document starting with the value “Representations” followed by the main folder name for example “Representations/submission” and “Representations/ingest”.
This requirement gives the same value to be used as the requirement named “Description of the use of the file group” (CSIP64)
CSIP108 Representations division file references
The file group containing the files described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifier.
Related to the requirements CSIP114 which describes the “Representations” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP109 Representation METS pointer
The division <div> of the specific representation includes one occurrence of the METS pointer <mptr> element, pointing to the appropriate representation METS file.
CSIP110 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
CSIP111 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP112 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.

Example: METS example of the mandatory structural map including representations

<mets:structMap ID="struct-map-example-1" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP">
  <mets:div ID="struct-map-example-div" LABEL="csip-mets-example">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-metadata-div" LABEL="Metadata" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-1 digiprov-premis-file-2 digiprov-premis-file-3 digiprov-premis-file-4" DMDID="dmd-ead-file">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-schema-div" LABEL="Schemas">
      <mets:fptr FILEID="file-ptr-schema">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-reps-preing-div" LABEL="Representations/preingest">
      <mets:mptr LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/preingest/METS.xml" xlink:title="file-grp-rep-preing">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-reps-sub-div" LABEL="Representations/submission">
      <mets:mptr LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/submission/METS.xml" xlink:title="file-grp-rep-sub">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-reps-ing-div" LABEL="Representations/ingest">
      <mets:mptr LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/ingest/METS.xml" xlink:title="file-grp-rep-ing">

Example: METS example of the mandatory structural map

<mets:structMap ID="struct-map-example-1" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP">
  <mets:div ID="struct-map-example-div" LABEL="csip-mets-example">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-metadata-div" LABEL="Metadata" ADMID="digiprov-premis-file-1 digiprov-premis-file-2" DMDID="dmd-ead-file">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-doc-div" LABEL="Documentation">
      <mets:fptr FILEID="file-ptr-doc">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-schema-div" LABEL="Schemas">
      <mets:fptr FILEID="file-grp-schema">
    <mets:div ID="struct-map-reps-sub-div" LABEL="Representations">
      <mets:fptr FILEID="file-grp-rep-subdata">

5.3.7. Deprecated requirements

The work to improve these specifications is ongoing. On occasion we retire a requirement, these are listed here for information.

ID Name, Location & Description Deprecated
CSIP87 Each catagorization “Documentation”, “Schemas” as well as each “Representation” within the package must be represented by an occurrence of the division (div) element.</br>Metadata in the administrative and descriptive metadata section has its own division 2019-05-09
CSIP86 The package’s top-level structural division &lt;div&gt; element’s @LABEL attribute value must be identical to the package identifier, i.e. the same value as the mets/@OBJID attribute. 2021-10-15

5.4. Use of PREMIS

The CSIP recommends and advocates the use of the PREservation Metadata Implementation Strategies (PREMIS, metadata standard for recording preservation and technical metadata about digital objects contained within CSIP Information Packages. The use of PREMIS is described in the “E-ARK Common Specification for Preservation Metadata using PREMIS” (CS PREMIS) found at .

Note that use of PREMIS is not mandatory.

6. Implementation Considerations

This section touches on some additional issues which are relevant in respect to implementing the CSIP in real-life scenarios.

6.1. Content Information Type Specifications

6.1.1. What is a Content Information Type Specification?

A Content Information Type Specification is a mechanism used to extend the scope of the CSIP by defining additional requirements for specific Content Information Types. The OAIS Reference Model defines Content Information as “A set of information that is the original target of preservation, or that includes part or all of that information. It is an Information Object composed of its Content Data Object and its Representation Information”.

Content Information Types can be regarded as categories of Content Information (e.g. relational databases, scientific data or digitised maps). A Content Information Type Specification defines the format and structure, mainly in regard to the Information Object, within an Information Package. This facilitates interoperability when exchanging specific Content Information Types.

The following elements should be at the core of a Content Information Type Specification:

Pragmatically it may not be sufficient to deal only with the Information Object. For complex Content Information Types or large IPs, it may be necessary to provide explicit requirements for other metadata relevant to the specific content type. For example, the ERMS Content Information Type Specification prescribes a method for referencing data (i.e. computer files) from descriptive metadata in ERMS format, ensuring package integrity. Stating these requirements in a general specification allows archival institutions receiving SIPs, including ERMS extracts or whole systems to understand and validate potentially complex information packages.

Content Information Type Specifications can be domain-specific, and there may be multiple specifications to cover a particular domain. For example, archival institutions might define a Content Information Type Specification for archiving web sites with descriptive metadata in EAD format, while libraries might define a specification for archiving web sites with MARC metadata.

6.1.2. Maintaining Content Information Type Specifications

It is hoped that many Content Information Type Specifications will be developed with the wider community to create new specifications for domains of interest to them. The DILCIS Board aims to work with the community to maintain a list of available specifications following some simple principles:

6.2. Handling large packages

By default, a Common Specification IP should be contained in a single folder or archive file. However, the amount of data and metadata within a single IP can easily grow to several GB or even TB and become difficult to manage and inefficient to process (e.g. due to insufficient storage capacity).

The Common Specification can, in principle, be extended in different ways to support the segmentation of large packages into more manageable parts.

The handling of large packages will be specified in a later version of CSIP. Please be aware that this will be a “recommended approach” and, at this point in time, it is not a part of the CSIP instead segmentation of large packages depends on the local implementation. It is also not expected that all tools will support the segmentation of large packages.

6.3. Handling descriptive metadata within the Common Specification

Descriptive metadata are used to describe the intellectual contents of archival holdings, and they support finding and understanding individual information packages. The CSIP allows essentially for the inclusion of any kind of descriptive metadata in the IP. However, it is required that all descriptive metadata must be placed into the “metadata” folder of the IP, and that it is recommended (should) to also exploit the possibility of creating a specific sub-folder “descriptive” as seen in Figure 11 below (cf. EAD.xml).

CSIP Example

Figure 11: E-ARK IP descriptive metadata

Further, all descriptive metadata need to be described in and referenced from METS metadata (i.e. the METS.xml file) using the element <dmdSec> (Figure 12) and as such descriptive metadata should not be embedded directly in the METS file.

METS desc md

Figure 12: METS descriptive metadata

Following the requirement of explicitly and physically separating descriptive metadata and data it should be noted that for interoperability purposes appropriate descriptive metadata elements must explicitly refer to the data content they describe (unless the whole data portion is a single intellectual unit described as a discrete set of descriptive metadata). For example, in the case of EAD elements <dao> and <daogrp> shall be used to refer to content files from the descriptive metadata. However, regardless of the descriptive metadata standard in question, the references from descriptive metadata must always follow the requirement posed in Section 5.1 above (i.e. create references according to the format defined in RFC 3986, or to express references as a relative path to the data files).

Finally, it is recommended that detailed metadata about intellectual access restrictions and copyright is included in descriptive metadata (i.e. not into the METS or PREMIS portions of the IP).

7. Appendices

7.1. Appendix A: E-ARK Information Package METS Examples

7.1.1. Example 1: Example of a whole METS document describing an information package with no representations

<mets:mets xmlns:csip="" xmlns:mets="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" OBJID="csip-mets-example" LABEL="Sample CSIP Information Package with no representations" TYPE="Database" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARDDK" PROFILE="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <mets:metsHdr CREATEDATE="2018-04-24T14:37:49.602+01:00" LASTMODDATE="2018-04-24T14:37:49.602+01:00" RECORDSTATUS="NEW" csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE="SIP">
      <mets:note csip:NOTETYPE="SOFTWARE VERSION">
  <mets:dmdSec ID="appdx1.dmd-ead-file" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00">
    <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="EAD" MDTYPEVERSION="2002" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/descriptive/ead2002.xml" SIZE="903" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00" CHECKSUM="F24263BF09994749F335E1664DCE0086DB6DCA323FDB6996938BCD28EA9E8153" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
    <mets:digiprovMD ID="appdx1.digiprov-premis-file-1" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00">
      <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis1.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="1211" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="8aa278038dbad54bbf142e7d72b493e2598a94946ea1304dc82a79c6b4bac3d5" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis1.xml">
    <mets:digiprovMD ID="appdx1.digiprov-premis-file-2" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:47:52.783+01:00">
      <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis2.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="2854" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="d1dfa585dcc9d87268069dc58d5e47956434ec3db4087a75a3885d287f15126f" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis2.xml">
  <mets:fileSec ID="appdx1.file-sec-example">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx1.file-grp-doc" USE="Documentation">
      <mets:file ID="appdx1.file-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File.docx">
      <mets:file ID="appdx1.file2-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File2.docx">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx1.file-grp-schema" USE="Schemas">
      <mets:file ID="appdx1.file-ead-schema" MIMETYPE="text/xsd" SIZE="123917" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="0BF9E16ADE296EF277C7B8E5D249D300F1E1EB59F2DCBD89644B676D66F72DCC" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="schemas/ead2002.xsd">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx1.file-grp-rep-subdata" USE="Representations/Submission/Data" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARDDK">
      <mets:file ID="appdx1.file-siard-xml" MIMETYPE="xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="appdx1.digiprov-premis-file-2 appdx1.digiprov-premis-file-1">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/submission/data/SIARD.xml">
  <mets:structMap ID="appdx1.struct-map-example-1" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP">
    <mets:div ID="appdx1.struct-map-example-div" LABEL="csip-mets-example">
      <mets:div ID="appdx1.struct-map-metadata-div" LABEL="Metadata" ADMID="appdx1.digiprov-premis-file-1 appdx1.digiprov-premis-file-2" DMDID="appdx1.dmd-ead-file">
      <mets:div ID="appdx1.struct-map-doc-div" LABEL="Documentation">
        <mets:fptr FILEID="appdx1.file-grp-doc">
      <mets:div ID="appdx1.struct-map-schema-div" LABEL="Schemas">
        <mets:fptr FILEID="appdx1.file-grp-schema">
      <mets:div ID="appdx1.struct-map-reps-sub-div" LABEL="Representations">
        <mets:fptr FILEID="appdx1.file-grp-rep-subdata">

7.1.2. Example 2: Example of a whole METS document describing an information package with representations

<mets:mets xmlns:csip="" xmlns:mets="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" OBJID="csip-mets-example" LABEL="Sample CSIP Information Package with representations" TYPE="Database" PROFILE="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <mets:metsHdr CREATEDATE="2018-04-24T14:37:49.602+01:00" LASTMODDATE="2018-04-24T14:37:49.602+01:00" RECORDSTATUS="NEW" csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE="SIP">
      <mets:note csip:NOTETYPE="SOFTWARE VERSION">
  <mets:dmdSec ID="appdx2.dmd-ead-file" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00">
    <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="EAD" MDTYPEVERSION="2002" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/descriptive/ead2002.xml" SIZE="903" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00" CHECKSUM="F24263BF09994749F335E1664DCE0086DB6DCA323FDB6996938BCD28EA9E8153" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
    <mets:digiprovMD ID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-1" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00">
      <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis1.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="1211" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="8aa278038dbad54bbf142e7d72b493e2598a94946ea1304dc82a79c6b4bac3d5" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis1.xml">
    <mets:digiprovMD ID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-2" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:47:52.783+01:00">
      <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis2.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="2854" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="d1dfa585dcc9d87268069dc58d5e47956434ec3db4087a75a3885d287f15126f" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis2.xml">
    <mets:digiprovMD ID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-3" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00">
      <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis3.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="1211" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="8aa278038dbad54bbf142e7d72b493e2598a94946ea1304dc82a79c6b4bac3d5" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis1.xml">
    <mets:digiprovMD ID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-4" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:47:52.783+01:00">
      <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/premis4.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="2854" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="d1dfa585dcc9d87268069dc58d5e47956434ec3db4087a75a3885d287f15126f" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis2.xml">
  <mets:fileSec ID="appdx2.file-sec-example">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx2.file-grp-doc" USE="Documentation">
      <mets:file ID="appdx2.file-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File.docx">
      <mets:file ID="appdx2.file2-docx" MIMETYPE="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" SIZE="2554366" CREATED="2012-08-15T12:08:15.432+01:00" CHECKSUM="91B7A2C0A1614AA8F3DAF11DB4A1C981F14BAA25E6A0336F715B7C513E7A1557" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="documentation/File2.docx">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx2.file-grp-schema" USE="Schemas">
      <mets:file ID="appdx2.file-ead-schema" MIMETYPE="text/xsd" SIZE="123917" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="0BF9E16ADE296EF277C7B8E5D249D300F1E1EB59F2DCBD89644B676D66F72DCC" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="schemas/ead2002.xsd">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx2.file-grp-rep-preing" USE="Representations/preingest" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="OTHER">
      <mets:file ID="appdx2.file-preing-mets-xml" MIMETYPE="xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-2 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-1">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/preingest/METS.xml">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx2.file-grp-rep-sub" USE="Representations/submission" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARDDK" ADMID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-1 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-2">
      <mets:file ID="appdx2.file-sub-mets-xml" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-2 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-1">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/submission/METS.xml">
    <mets:fileGrp ID="appdx2.file-grp-rep-ing" USE="Representations/ingest" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARD1" ADMID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-3 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-4">
      <mets:file ID="appdx2.file-ing-mets-xml" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="1338744" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.617+01:00" CHECKSUM="7176A627870CFA3854468EC43C5A56F9BD8B30B50A983B8162BF56298A707667" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" ADMID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-2 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-1">
        <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/ingest/METS.xml">
  <mets:structMap ID="appdx2.struct-map-example-1" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP">
    <mets:div ID="appdx2.struct-map-example-div" LABEL="csip-mets-example">
      <mets:div ID="appdx2.struct-map-metadata-div" LABEL="Metadata" ADMID="appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-1 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-2 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-3 appdx2.digiprov-premis-file-4" DMDID="appdx2.dmd-ead-file">
      <mets:div ID="appdx2.struct-map-schema-div" LABEL="Schemas">
        <mets:fptr FILEID="appdx2.file-grp-schema">
      <mets:div ID="appdx2.struct-map-reps-preing-div" LABEL="Representations/preingest">
        <mets:mptr LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/preingest/METS.xml" xlink:title="file-grp-rep-preing">
      <mets:div ID="appdx2.struct-map-reps-sub-div" LABEL="Representations/submission">
        <mets:mptr LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/submission/METS.xml" xlink:title="file-grp-rep-sub">
      <mets:div ID="appdx2.struct-map-reps-ing-div" LABEL="Representations/ingest">
        <mets:mptr LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/ingest/METS.xml" xlink:title="file-grp-rep-ing">

7.2. Appendix B: External Schema

7.2.1. E-ARK CSIP METS Extension


Context: XML-schema for the attributes added by CSIP

Note: An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile. The schema is identified using the namespace prefix csip.

7.2.2. PREMIS


Context: Used for preservation metadata

Note: A rule set for use with this profile is under development.

7.3. Appendix C: External Vocabularies

7.3.1. Content information type specification

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for @csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE

Note: Lists the names of specific E-ARK content information type specifications supported or maintained in this METS profile.

7.3.2. Content Category

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for mets/@type

Note: Declares the categorical classification of package content.

7.3.3. OAIS Package type

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for @csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE

Note: Describes the OAIS type the package belongs to in the OAIS reference model.

7.3.4. Note type

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for @csip:NOTETYPE

Note: Provides values for the type of a note for an agent.

7.3.5. Other agent type

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for metsHdr/agent/@OTHERTYPE

Note: Describes the other agent types supported by the profile.

7.3.6. Identifier type

Maintained By: Library of Congress


Context: Values for metsHdr/altRecordID/@TYPE

Note: Describes the type of the identifier.

7.3.7. dmdSec status

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for dmdSec/@STATUS

Note: Describes the status of the descriptive metadata section (dmdSec) which is supported by the profile.

7.3.8. IANA media types

Maintained By: IANAs


Context: Suggested values for @MIMETYPE

Note: Its a strong recommendation to use the IANA values for the mime types of referenced files. It is possible to use another list if an agreement has been reached between sender and receiver.

7.3.9. File group names

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for fileGrp/@USE

Note: Describes the uses of the file group <fileGrp> that are supported by the profile. Own names should be placed in an own extending vocabulary.

7.3.10. Structural map typing

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for structMap/@TYPE

Note: Describes the type of the structural map <structMap> that is supported by the profile. Own types should be placed in an own extending vocabulary.

7.3.11. Structural map label

Maintained By: DILCIS Board


Context: Values for structMap/@LABEL

Note: Describes the label of the structural map that is supported by the profile. Own labels should be placed in an own extending vocabulary.

7.4. Appendix D: E-ARK CSIP Structural Requirements

The implementation requirements of the CSIP Information Package structure are:

CSIPSTR1: Any Information Package MUST be included within a single physical root folder (known as the “Information Package root folder”). For packages contained in an archive format, see CSIPSTR3, the archive MUST unpack to a single root folder.

CSIPSTR2: The Information Package root folder SHOULD be named with the ID or name of the Information Package, that is the value of the package METS.xml’s root <mets> element’s @OBJID attribute.

CSIPSTR3: The Information Package MAY be contained in an archive/compressed form, e.g. TAR or ZIP, for storage or transfer. The specific format details should be decided by the interested parties and documented, for example in a submission agreement or statement of access terms.

CSIPSTR4: The Information Package root folder MUST include a file named METS.xml. This file MUST contain metadata that identifies the package, provides a high-level package description, and describes its structure, including pointers to constituent representations.

CSIPSTR5: The Information Package root folder SHOULD include a folder named metadata, which SHOULD include metadata relevant to the whole package.

CSIPSTR6: If preservation metadata are available, they SHOULD be included in sub-folder preservation.

CSIPSTR7: If descriptive metadata are available, they SHOULD be included in sub-folder descriptive.

CSIPSTR8: If any other metadata are available, they MAY be included in separate sub-folders, for example an additional folder named other.

CSIPSTR9: The Information Package folder SHOULD include a folder named representations.

CSIPSTR10: The representations folder SHOULD include a sub-folder for each individual representation (i.e. the “representation folder”). Each representation folder should have a string name that is unique within the package scope. For example the name of the representation and/or its creation date might be good candidates as a representation sub-folder name.

CSIPSTR11: The representation folder SHOULD include a sub-folder named data which MAY include all data constituting the representation.

CSIPSTR12: The representation folder SHOULD include a metadata file named METS.xml which includes information about the identity and structure of the representation and its components. The recommended best practice is to always have a METS.xml in the representation folder.

CSIPSTR13: The representation folder SHOULD include a sub-folder named metadata which MAY include all metadata about the specific representation.

CSIPSTR14: The Information Package MAY be extended with additional sub-folders.

CSIPSTR15: We recommend including all XML schema documents for any structured metadata within package. These schema documents SHOULD be placed in a sub-folder called schemas within the Information Package root folder and/or the representation folder.

CSIPSTR16: We recommend including any supplementary documentation for the package or a specific representation within the package. Supplementary documentation SHOULD be placed in a sub-folder called documentation within the Information Package root folder and/or the representation folder. Examples of documentation include representation information and manuals for the system the data objects have been exported from.

7.5. Appendix E: E-ARK CSIP Metadata Requirements

7.5.1. E-ARK CSIP METS Profile Requirements

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
CSIP1 Package Identifier
The mets/@OBJID attribute is mandatory, its value is a string identifier for the METS document. For the package METS document following CSIPSTR2 , this should be the name/ID of the package, i.e. the name of the package root folder.
For a representation level METS document this value records the name/ID of the representation following CSIPSTR10 , i.e. the name of the top-level representation folder.
Observe that the name/ID used in the mets/@OBJID attribute might not be possible to directly transform into a folder name due to limitations in the used file system. If there are illegal characters present there are different character mapping techniques to use to transform the mets/@OBJID into a valid folder name.
CSIP2 Content Category
The mets/@TYPE attribute MUST be used to declare the category of the content held in the package, e.g. “Datasets”, “Websites”, “Mixes” , “Other”, etc.. Legal values are defined in a fixed vocabulary. When the content category used falls outside of the defined vocabulary the mets/@TYPE value must be set to “OTHER” and the specific value declared in mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE. The vocabulary will develop under the curation of the DILCIS Board as additional content information type specifications are produced.
CSIP3 Other Content Category
When the mets/@TYPE attribute has the value “OTHER” the mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE attribute MUST be used to declare the content category of the package/representation. The value can either be “OTHER” or any other string that are not present in the vocabulary used in the mets/@TYPE attribute.
CSIP4 Content Information Type Specification
Used to declare the Content Information Type Specification used when creating the package. Legal values are defined in a fixed vocabulary. The attribute is mandatory for representation level METS documents. The vocabulary will evolve under the care of the DILCIS Board as additional Content Information Type Specifications are developed.
CSIP5 Other Content Information Type Specification
When the mets/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE has the value “OTHER” the mets/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE must state the content information type.
CSIP6 METS Profile
The URL of the METS profile that the information package conforms with.
CSIP117 Package header
General element for describing the package.
CSIP7 Package creation datetime
mets/metsHdr/@CREATEDATE records the date and time the package was created.
CSIP8 Package last modification datetime
mets/metsHdr/@LASTMODDATE records the data and time the package was modified and is mandatory when the package has been modified.
CSIP9 OAIS Package type information
mets/metsHdr/@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE is an additional CSIP attribute that declares the type of the IP.
CSIP10 Agent
A mandatory agent element records the software used to create the package. Other uses of agents may be described in any local implementations that extend the profile.
It is possible according to METS to use more note elements but in this implementation for this agent describing the software used it is one mandatory note for describing the version of the software.
CSIP11 Agent role
The mandatory agent element MUST have a @ROLE attribute with the value “CREATOR”.
CSIP12 Agent type
The mandatory agent element MUST have a @TYPE attribute with the value “OTHER”.
CSIP13 Agent other type
The mandatory agent element MUST have a @OTHERTYPE attribute with the value “SOFTWARE”.
CSIP14 Agent name
The mandatory agent’s name element records the name of the software tool used to create the IP.
CSIP15 Agent additional information
The mandatory agent’s mandatory note element records the version of the tool used to create the IP.
CSIP16 Classification of the agent additional information
mets/metsHdr/agent/note[@csip:NOTETYPE='SOFTWARE VERSION']
The mandatory agent element’s note child has a @csip:NOTETYPE attribute with a fixed value of “SOFTWARE VERSION”.
CSIP17 Descriptive metadata
Must be used if descriptive metadata for the package content is available. Each descriptive metadata section (<dmdSec>) contains a single description and must be repeated for multiple descriptions, when available.
It is possible to transfer metadata in a package using just the descriptive metadata section and/or administrative metadata section.
CSIP18 Descriptive metadata identifier
An xml:id identifier for the descriptive metadata section (<dmdSec>) used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP19 Descriptive metadata creation datetime
Creation date and time of the descriptive metadata in this section.
CSIP20 Status of the descriptive metadata
Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
CSIP21 Reference to the document with the descriptive metadata
Reference to the descriptive metadata file located in the “metadata” section of the IP.
CSIP22 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP23 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP24 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. This specification recommends recording a URL type filepath in this attribute.
CSIP25 Type of metadata
Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Values are taken from the list provided by the METS.
CSIP26 File mime type
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP27 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP28 File creation datetime
The creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP29 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP30 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
CSIP31 Administrative metadata
If administrative / preservation metadata is available, it must be described using the administrative metadata section (<amdSec>) element.
All administrative metadata is present in a single <amdSec> element.
It is possible to transfer metadata in a package using just the descriptive metadata section and/or administrative metadata section.
CSIP32 Digital provenance metadata
For recording information about preservation the standard PREMIS is used. It is mandatory to include one <digiprovMD> element for each piece of PREMIS metadata.
The use if PREMIS in METS is following the recommendations in the 2017 version of PREMIS in METS Guidelines.
CSIP33 Digital provenance metadata identifier
An xml:id identifier for the digital provenance metadata section mets/amdSec/digiprovMD used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP34 Status of the digital provenance metadata
Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
CSIP35 Reference to the document with the digital provenance metadata
Reference to the digital provenance metadata file stored in the “metadata” section of the IP.
CSIP36 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP37 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP38 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. This specification recommends recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
CSIP39 Type of metadata
Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Values are taken from the list provided by the METS.
CSIP40 File mime type
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP41 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP42 File creation datetime
Creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP43 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP44 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
CSIP45 Rights metadata
A simple rights statement may be used to describe general permissions for the package. Individual representations should state their specific rights in their representation METS file.
Available standards include , Europeana rights statements info , METS Rights Schema created and maintained by the METS Board, the rights part of PREMIS as well as own local rights statements in use.
CSIP46 Rights metadata identifier
An xml:id identifier for the rights metadata section (<rightsMD>) used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP47 Status of the rights metadata
Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
CSIP48 Reference to the document with the rights metadata
Reference to the rights metadata file stored in the “metadata” section of the IP.
CSIP49 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP50 Type of locator
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP51 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
CSIP52 Type of metadata
Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Value is taken from the list provided by the METS.
CSIP53 File mime type
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP54 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP55 **File creation datetime **
Creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP56 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP57 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
CSIP58 File section
References to all transferred content SHOULD be placed in the file section in the different file group elements, described in other requirements.
Only a single file section (<fileSec>) element should be present.
In the case that a package only contains metadata updates, i.e. exclusively metadata files, then no file references need to be added to this section.
CSIP59 File section identifier
An xml:id identifier for the file section used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP60 Documentation file group
All documentation pertaining to the transferred content is placed in one or more file group elements with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value “Documentation”.
CSIP113 Schema file group
All XML schemas used in the information package must be referenced from one or more file groups with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value “Schemas”.
CSIP114 Representations file group
A pointer to the METS document describing the representation or pointers to the content being transferred must be present in one or more file groups with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value starting with “Representations” followed by the path to the folder where the representation level METS document is placed. For example “Representation/submission” and “Representation/ingest”.
CSIP61 Reference to administrative metadata
If administrative metadata has been provided at file group mets/fileSec/fileGrp level this attribute refers to its administrative metadata section by ID.
CSIP62 Content Information Type Specification
An added attribute which states the name of the content information type specification used to create the package.
The vocabulary will evolve under the curation of the DILCIS Board as additional content information type specifications are developed.
When the element “Content Information Type Specification” (CSIP4) has the value “MIXED” or the file group describes a representation, then this element states the content information type specification used for the file group.
When the element “Representations file group” (CSIP114), the file group describes a representation with the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value is starting with “Representations”, then this element must state the content information type specification used for the representation.
CSIP63 Other Content Information Type Specification
When the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute has the value “OTHER” the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE must state a value for the Content Information Type Specification used.
CSIP64 Description of the use of the file group
The value in the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE is the name of the whole folder structure to the data, e.g “Documentation”, “Schemas”, “Representations/preingest” or “Representations/submission/data”.
CSIP65 File group identifier
An xml:id identifier for the file group used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP66 File
The file group (<fileGrp>) contains the file elements which describe the file objects.
CSIP67 File identifier
A unique xml:id identifier for this file within the XML-document.
CSIP68 File mimetype
The mime type of the referenced file.
It is a strong recommendation to use a qualified list like the IANA Media Type list.
Another list can be used following a documented agreement between the sender and the receiver.
CSIP69 File size
Size of the referenced file in bytes.
CSIP70 File creation datetime
Creation date and time of the referenced file.
CSIP71 File checksum
The checksum of the referenced file.
CSIP72 File checksum type
A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
CSIP73 File original identification
If an identifier for the file was supplied by the owner it can be recorded in this attribute.
CSIP74 File reference to administrative metadata
If administrative metadata has been provided for the file this attribute refers to the file’s administrative metadata by ID.
CSIP75 File reference to descriptive metadata
If descriptive metadata has been provided per file this attribute refers to the file’s descriptive metadata by ID.
CSIP76 File locator reference
The location of each external file must be defined by the file location <FLocat> element using the same rules as references for metadata files. All references to files should be made using the XLink href attribute and the file protocol using the relative location of the file.
CSIP77 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
CSIP78 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP79 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
CSIP80 Structural description of the package
The structural map <structMap> element is the only mandatory element in the METS.
The <structMap> in the CSIP describes the highest logical structure of the IP.
Every CSIP compliant METS file must include ONE structural map <structMap> element used exactly as described in this section of requirements.
Institutions can add their own additional custom structural maps as separate <structMap> sections following their own requirements.
CSIP81 Type of structural description
The mets/structMap/@TYPE attribute must take the value “PHYSICAL” from the vocabulary.
CSIP82 Name of the structural description
The mets/structMap/@LABEL attribute value is set to “CSIP” from the vocabulary.
This requirement identifies the CSIP compliant structural map <structMap> element.
CSIP83 Structural description identifier
An xml:id identifier for the structural description (structMap) used for internal references within the XML-document. It must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP84 Main structural division
The structural map comprises a single division.
CSIP85 Main structural division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP88 Metadata division
The metadata referenced in the administrative and/or descriptive metadata section is described in the structural map with one sub division.
When the transfer consists of only administrative and/or descriptive metadata this is the only sub division that occurs.
CSIP89 Metadata division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP90 Metadata division label
The metadata division <div> element’s @LABEL attribute value must be “Metadata”.
CSIP91 Metadata division references administrative metadata
The admimistrative metadata division should reference all current administrative metadata sections.
All <amdSec>s with @STATUS='CURRENT' SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
The current <amdSec> @IDs are recorded in the div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@ADMID attribute in a space delimited list.
CSIP92 Metadata division references descriptive metadata
The descriptive metadata division should reference all current descriptive metadata sections.
All <dmdSec>s with @STATUS='CURRENT' SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
The current <dmdSec> @IDs are recorded in the div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@DMDID attribute in a space delimited list.
CSIP93 Documentation division
The documentation referenced in the file section file groups is described in the structural map with one sub division.
CSIP94 Documentation division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP95 Documentation division label
The documentation division <div> element in the package uses the value “Documentation” from the vocabulary as the value for the @LABEL attribute.
CSIP96 Documentation file references
All file groups containing documentation described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. There MUST be one file group reference per <fptr> element.
CSIP116 Documentation file group reference pointer
A reference, by ID, to the “Documentation” file group.
Related to the requirements CSIP60 which describes the “Documentation” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP97 Schema division
The schemas referenced in the file section file groups are described in the structural map within a single sub-division.
CSIP98 Schema division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP99 Schema division label
The schema division <div> element’s @LABEL attribute has the value “Schemas” from the vocabulary.
CSIP100 Schema file reference
All file groups containing schemas described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. One file group reference per fptr-element
CSIP118 Schema file group reference
The pointer to the identifier for the “Schema” file group.
Related to the requirements CSIP113 which describes the “Schema” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP101 Content division
When no representations are present the content referenced in the file section file group with @USE attribute value “Representations” is described in the structural map as a single sub division.
CSIP102 Content division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP103 Content division label
The package’s content division <div> element must have the @LABEL attribute value “Representations”, taken from the vocabulary.
CSIP104 Content division file references
All file groups containing content described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. One file group reference per fptr-element.
CSIP119 Content division file group references
The pointer to the identifier for the “Representations” file group.
Related to the requirements CSIP114 which describes the “Representations” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP105 Representation division
When a package consists of multiple representations, each described by a representation level METS.xml document, there should be a discrete representation div element for each representation.
Each representation div references the representation level METS.xml document, documenting the structure of the package and its constituent representations.
CSIP106 Representations division identifier
Mandatory, xml:id identifier must be unique within the XML-document.
CSIP107 Representations division label
The package’s representation division <div> element @LABEL attribute value must be the path to the representation level METS document starting with the value “Representations” followed by the main folder name for example “Representations/submission” and “Representations/ingest”.
This requirement gives the same value to be used as the requirement named “Description of the use of the file group” (CSIP64)
CSIP108 Representations division file references
The file group containing the files described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifier.
Related to the requirements CSIP114 which describes the “Representations” file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
CSIP109 Representation METS pointer
The division <div> of the specific representation includes one occurrence of the METS pointer <mptr> element, pointing to the appropriate representation METS file.
CSIP110 Resource location
The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
CSIP111 Type of link
Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
CSIP112 Type of locator
The locator type is always used with the value “URL” from the vocabulary in the attribute.
REF_METS_1 structLink
Section not defined or used in CSIP, additional own uses may occur.
Information regarding the structural links is found in the METS Primer
REF_METS_2 behaviorSec
Section not defined or used in CSIP, additional own uses may occur.
Information regarding the behaviour section is found in the METS Primer


I. Authors

Name Organisation
Sven Schlarb Austrian Institute of Technology
Anders Bo Nielsen Danish National Archives
Phillip Mike Tømmerholt Danish National Archives
Kuldar Aas Estonian National Archives
Koit Saarevet Estonian National Archives
Jaime Kaminski Highbury IVS
Miguel Ferreira Keep Solutions
Helder Silva Keep Solutions
Carl Wilson Open Preservation Foundation
Karin Bredenberg Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera

I.I. Contributors to previous version

Name Organisation
Karin Bredenberg Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera
Björn Skog ES Solutions
Anders Bo Nielsen Danish National Archives
Kathrine Hougaard Edsen Johansen Danish National Archives
Alex Thirifays Danish National Archives & Magenta ApS
Sven Schlarb Austrian Institute of Technology
Andrew Wilson University of Portsmouth & University of Brighton
Tarvo Kärberg National Archives of Estonia
Kuldar Aas National Archives of Estonia
Luis Faria Keep Solutions
Helder Silva Keep Solutions
Miguel Ferreira Keep Solutions
Carl Wilson Open Preservation Foundation

II. Revision History

Revision Date Authors(s) Organisation Description
0.1 17.02.2014 Björn Skog ESS First version.
0.2 21.02.2014 Karin Bredenberg ESS Updating content.
0.3 24.02.2014 Björn Skog ESS Updating content.
0.4 24.10.2014 Tarvo Kärberg NAE Updating content.
0.41 05.11.2014 Tarvo Kärberg NAE Adding content from Anders Bo Nielsen.
0.42 08.12.2014 Tarvo Kärberg NAE Updating content.
0.43 19.12.2014 Tarvo Kärberg NAE Updating content.
0.5 26.01.2015 Kathrine Hougaard Edsen DNA Updating content.
0.6 11.02.2015 Tarvo Kärberg NAE Rearranging content.
0.7 31.05.2015 Kathrine Hougaard Edsen DNA Significant changes suggested
0.8 27.07.2015 Tarvo Kärberg NAE Merging content
0.9 05.08.2015 Andrew Wilson UPHEC Updating content
0.10 07.10.2015 Kuldar Aas NAE Major update to include additional details
0.11 30.11.2015 Kuldar Aas NAE Intermediate update to include outcomes and decisions from Common Specification meetings
0.12 08.12.2015 Kuldar Aas NAE Update on the implementation, include comments from Sven, Jan (AIT) and Andrew (UPHEC)
0.13 05.01.2016 Kuldar Aas, all NAE, all Update to include additional comments from E-ARK WPLs and Common Specification group members version sent for external review
0.14 04.07.2016 Kuldar Aas NAE Updated structure -> basis for addressing review comments and required updates
0.15 26.08.2016 Kuldar Aas NAE Adding available contributions to individual Sections
0.16 05.12.2016 Andrew Wilson, Kuldar Aas UoB, NAE Major update. Added section on PREMIS. Revision of tables describing use of METS. General text revisions arising from CS meetings. Updates to requirements.
0.17 16.12.2016 All All Final discussions, changes and proofreading before delivering the CS to public comment.
1.0 31.01.2017 Kuldar Aas NAE Final small editorial additions
1.1 14.05.2018 Kuldar Aas (editor), DILCIS Board NAE Limited proofreading and updates throughout the document. Updates in terminology. Updates in use of METS, ID and referencing section. Improved (more consistent) examples in METS section.
2.0-DRAFT 28.11.2018 DILCIS Board, E-ARK4ALL DILCIS Board Specification updated and released for open review.
2.0.0 31.05.2019 DILCIS Board, E-ARK4ALL DILCIS Board Specification updated after open review.
2.0.1 09.09.2019 Karin Bredenberg, C. Wilson, & H. Silva NAS, OPF & KEEPS Correction @LABEL and @USE attributes, typos, layout and PDF formatting.
2.0.2 28.10.2019 Karin Bredenberg SYD Fixed schema paths.
2.0.3 08.01.2020 Karin Bredenberg, C.Wilson SYD & OPF Fixed error in value list note type.
2.0.4 12.06.2020 K. Bredenberg, C.Wilson & J. Kaminski SYD, OPF & HIGH Update in example IDs, preface text and output display update
2.1.0 15.10.2021 K. Bredenberg, C.Wilson & J. Kaminski SYD, OPF & HIGH Specification updated to version 2.1. Language updates and clarifications to requirements. Updated list of approved CITS specifications. Removed redundant requirement.
2.2.0 17.05.2024 K. Bredenberg & C.Wilson SYD, OPF Specification updated to version 2.2. Language updates and clarifications to requirements.

III. Acknowledgements

The Common Specification for Information Packages was first developed within the E-ARK project in 2014 – 2017. E-ARK was an EC-funded pilot action project in the Competiveness and Innovation Programme 2007- 2013, Grant Agreement no. 620998 under the Policy Support Programme.

We would like to thank the National Archives of Sweden and Karin Bredenberg for their support and the availability of the Swedish national Common Specifications, upon which most of this document has been built.

The authors of this deliverable would like to thank all national archives, tool developers and other stakeholders who provided valuable knowledge about their requirements for information packages and feedback to this specification!

IV. Contact & Feedback

The Common Specification for Information Packages is maintained by the Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standard Board (DILCIS Board). For further information about the DILCIS Board or feedback on the current document please consult the website or contact us at